Distance Learning Fees

The Office of Teaching and Technology is responsible for the approval and oversight of the university's distance learning fees. The process for approval of unit/departmental level distance learning course fees begins prior to the schedule of courses opening each semester. The specific dates for this process are sent to all college deans in the form of an administrative memo.

The amount of the distance learning course fee must not exceed the additional costs of the services provided which are attributable to the development and delivery of state-funded courses that comply with the 80% rule. Units seeking to assess a departmental level distance learning fee per Florida Statute 1009.24 (17) should create a "Distance Learning Fee" request in the myUFL system.

Distance Learning Fees Guide


All requests for the distance learning course fee must pass the test of "additional costs of the service provided which are attributable to the development and delivery of the distance learning course" in this respect:

All expenditures of distance learning course fees must be for the purposes associated with this list of fee items:

* Special topics course numbers are not eligible to charge departmental/unit distance learning course fees.

Once the distance learning fee request has been approved by the college-level designee the request is forwarded to the Office of the Associate Provost for Teaching and Technology for final review and approval, denial, or returned for more information. Once approved the unit offering the course tags sections of courses approved for the purpose of assessing the distance learning fee.

All courses/sections authorized to assess a distance learning fee will be subject to an end-of-semester review of costs incurred and fees collected. The enabling regulation does not permit an above-cost residual.


If you need more information or have any questions about distance learning fees, email us.

Email Chris Newsom